Our Services

Winning Solutions, Inc. (WSI) provides custom eLearning design and development services from initial project scoping, to the design and development of the courseware, to the actual delivery of the courseware to the learners. Services can be configured in any way to satisfy each client's unique needs.

Project Scoping and Requirements Identification

Project Scoping and Requirements Identification

Are you looking to incorporate eLearning into your training offerings, but don’t know where to start? Do you know what you need, but don’t have the time or resources to get started? WSI provides project scoping and requirements identification to create a requirements document or request for proposal (RFP) to help you get the process started with as much or as little involvement that you desire.

Project scoping and requirements identification tasks include:

  • Research and review content
  • Create the learning objectives
  • Identify course taxonomy, seat hours for each interactivity level, and the associated descriptions
  • Create the assessment strategy
  • Determine delivery method or requirements
eLearning Design and Development

eLearning Design and Development

WSI provides eLearning design and development services to help you convert your manuals, PowerPoints, and classroom-based training into innovative and interactive eLearning solutions. WSI provides instructional design, graphic design, development, and quality assurance services to ensure the courseware meets the instructional intent and exceeds your expectations. These eLearning solutions can be accessed any place…at any time…on any device.

Reach your geographically dispersed audience instantly, whether they are using a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone any place in the world.

Our immersive learning strategies place your learners into real world scenarios to ensure what they learn is quickly and easily applied to their day-to-day operations. Each course is uniquely designed for your specific training and business needs.

Training Effectiveness Analysis

Training Effectiveness Analysis

How do you know your training was effective? What was the impact on your business? WSI can help you measure the effectiveness of your eLearning initiatives as it pertains to employee behavioral changes and the return on investment to your organization. Don't have the time and resources to devote to measuring the effectiveness? Let us help you.

Determine if your eLearning initiative resulted in:

  • Increased Sales
  • Decreased returns or defects
  • Increased productivity
  • Decreased travel costs
  • Decreased training costs
  • Increased profitability
  • Increased customer satisfaction
Learning Management System (LMS) Administration

Learning Management System (LMS) Administration

Learning management system (LMS) administration services entail providing the guidance and resources to the client for implementing and administering an LMS to assist clients with managing and delivering their eLearning solutions.

LMS administration tasks include:

  • Review and suggest available LMS solutions
  • Configure and implement the desired LMS
  • Upload and configure courseware and users
  • Provide technical support

Contact us at information@winningsolutionsinc.com for more information.

About Us

WSI is a woman-owned small business and a leading provider of eLearning solutions for government entities, Fortune 1000 companies, and emerging businesses. We are your custom eLearning experts.

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